
Registration and Enrollment:

- All participants must complete a registration form before starting classes.

- Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis, and class sizes may be limited.

- Participants must adhere to the age or skill level requirements for each class.

Tuition and Payment:

- Tuition fees will be communicated at the time of enrollment.

- Payments must be made on time, and late fees may apply for overdue payments.

- No refunds will be issued unless a class is canceled by the studio.

Code of Conduct:

- Participants are expected to show respect to instructors, staff, and fellow participants.

- Disruptive or disrespectful behavior may result in removal from the class.

Studio Property:

- Participants are responsible for taking care of studio property and equipment during classes.

- Any damages caused by participants must be reported and may be subject to reimbursement.

7. Dress Code:

- Participants should adhere to the studio's dress code for safety and professionalism.

- Tumbling: Fitted athletic wear, no socks, and hair securely tied back.

- Dance &Cheer: Appropriate dance attire (leotard, tights, dance shorts, etc.), proper dance shoes, gym shoes, and hair secured neatly.

8. Studio Communication:

- The studio will use various channels (e.g., website, emails, notices) for important announcements and updates.

- Participants and parents/guardians should regularly check these channels for relevant information.

9. Photo/Video Consent:

- Participants or parents/guardians must provide consent for the use of photographs or videos taken during classes for promotional purposes.

10. Cancellation and Refund Policy:

- The studio may cancel classes due to unforeseen circumstances or low enrollment.

- Participants will be notified of cancellations, and refunds or make-up classes will be offered accordingly.

Please note that these policies and procedures should be communicated clearly to all participants and parents/guardians, and they may evolve over time as the studio grows and faces different situations. Always seek legal advice to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations..

Make-Up Classes

Due to limited availability in our classes, we are unable to offer make up classes at this time!

Absence Policy

  • 2 consecutive absences result in a courtesy call

  • 3 consecutive absences result in an email from our office

  • 4 consecutive absences with no communication received by the office from the family will result in being dropped from the class and no refund will be issued.

Guest Observations

  • Visitors are encouraged to observe from the sitting area.

  • Sitting area Guidelines:

    • Please do not talk to or otherwise distract the tumbler participating in the classes and keep the noise level to a minimum

    • The sitting area is for viewing only. No tumbler, dance, or cheerleader, playing or running on or around.

    • Children should always be supervised.

    • Please do not allow your child to play on our mats at any time.

    • These guidelines are established for the safety of our children and to make everyone’s visit an enjoyable one

Class Guidelines

  • Tumblers must wear tight-fitting athletic clothing only. No zippers, snaps, or buttons

  • Stomach must be covered

  • Long hair must be pulled back

  • No jewelry or gum allowed

  • Tumblers, Dancers, or Cheerleaders must follow all safety rules and instructions.

Wellness Policy

Please do not send a sick child to The Be Beyond Great Tumbling Studio. Sick children will NOT be allowed to stay. Children who come in sick will be isolated from other children and the parent/guardian will be asked to take the child home.

Children should not come to classes if:

  • They have a fever more than 100.4 degrees (fever must be gone for 24 hours without medication before coming to a class)

  • Diarrhea

  • Open sores

  • Unexplained rash

  • Vomiting

  • Conjunctivitis (pinkeye)

  • Head Lice

  • Severe cold (green or yellow snot)

  • Excessive fatigue

  • Any contagious illness